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The burden of chronic pain on the person who experiences it daily is evident. What about the partner or caregiver of the patient? In a study in the European Journal of Pain, new insights are offered into household partnerships. What is needed is additional information that “might provide empirical...

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The American Heart Association has issued a scientific statement calling for education for clinicians on the health implications of cannabis products. They are calling for funding and clinical trials, both of which are predicated on the removal of legal hurdles. The AHA states, “Our understanding of...

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A poster abstract (LB008) presented at the American Academy of Pain Medicine 36th Annual Meeting acknowledges the potential of sweat as a biofluid alternative for drug testing. The abstract states that, although used extensively, “sampling of urine is inconvenient, tamper prone, and results are...

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England’s NICE—the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence—is advising that other types of pain management/treatment should be utilized before common pain medications. Nonpharmacologic suggestions include exercise, psychotherapy, acupuncture, and electrical modalities. In its draft...

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The American Medical Association just released a new OPIOID TASK FORCE 2020 PROGRESS REPORT in the hopes of reducing drug overdoses and deaths. Although prescription opioid overdose deaths have decreased, illicit drugs such as heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine have risen. Last year, fentanyl...

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“Even during this global pandemic, we have continued to prioritize addressing the opioid crisis,” says Stephen M. Hahn, MD, the FDA’s Commissioner, referring to the FDA’s new labeling requirement. This labeling—on opioid pain medication and opioid use disorder medication—must include the...

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From the American Journal of Psychiatry.


Objective: Given changes in U.S. marijuana laws, attitudes, and use patterns, individuals with pain may be an emerging group at risk for nonmedical cannabis use and cannabis use disorder. The authors examined differences in the prevalence of...

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From NEJM Catalyst.

While Covid-19 has rightly grabbed the attention of health care organizations and policymakers, other health care challenges, like the opioid crisis, persist under the radar. Many people continue to suffer from poorly managed pain, and, in fact, may face additional challenges...

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From the AAPM 36th Annual Meeting Scientific Poster Abstracts: 205. Coauthored by Senior PAINWeek Faculty Dr. Kevin Zacharoff.

Many physicians report inadequate training in the areas of pain assessment, treatment, and aberrant drug-related behaviors. This presentation will describe the...

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AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice; establishment of a public docket; request for comments.

SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) is announcing the establishment of a docket to solicit public comment on specific questions pertaining to the use of...

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