| Podcast

In this dynamic and interactive session, Drs. Darnall and Mackey will tag team content that will lead attendees through the recent and relevant political developments including the CDC opioid prescribing guidelines and recommendations from the National Pain Strategy (developed by a committee of 80...

| Podcast

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's new prescription guidelines strongly urge physicians to reduce their use of opioid analgesics in the treatment of chronic pain. Specifically, the guidelines outline a multidisciplinary approach that includes interventional pain management and limited...

| Video

EPCS—electronic prescribing of controlled substances—offers the prospect of enhanced prescribing efficiency and improved patient safety. In this segment, Dr. Kelly outlines some DEA requirements that providers must meet to take advantage of this prescribing advance.

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In response to the escalating crisis of opioid abuse and overdose fatalities, states are adopting dosage thresholds as part of their prescribing guidelines. A clinical pharmacist and public policy professor summarize the public health landscape that has spawned this response, and evaluate the impact...

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Primary care practitioners need to be aware of some changes relating to the use of opioids to treat pain.  State-licensing board guidelines are changing. There’s some new and good legislation regarding the use of naloxone kits to help people who might be at risk for opioid overdose or even...

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With the institution of the Affordable Care Act, we really don’t know what’s going to happen to the future of federal funded medicine. And with the implementation of ICD-10, reimbursement to pain practitioners may be delayed by as much as three to six months with a reduction in the income of the...

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There’s a large focus right now on drug testing and claims for clinical laboratory services related to drugs of abuse testing. The payers are interested in this area because there’s been quite a significant amount of fraud and abuse identified through payer investigative techniques. So the payers...

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Corresponding Responsibilities for Patient Well-Being

Many of the chain pharmacies have implemented policies relating to the know-your-customer policy of the Drug Enforcement Administration and many of the pharmacists are required now to document and corroborate information relating to the...

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Pain education in the US today unfortunately is warped. Whether coming from industry, whether from the Food and Drug Administration, it ends up being lopsided and very often to opioids, when opioids are just one piece of the management of pain. We need to do more to help it diffuse into the training...

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