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Findings from a new study conducted by researchers at University of Pittsburg School of Medicine seek to provide expert consensus about treatment approaches to engage to manage challenging and/or concerning behaviors that may accompany long-term opioid use. These may include excessive use of opioids...

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Dr. Cuevas-Trisan discusses the latest guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology, and talks about what he sees at the VA where he is Chief of the Physical Medicine, Rehabilitiation & Pain Management Service.

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Dr. Jeffrey Fudin discusses FDA and CDC guidelines for opioid prescribing. Capping may make obtaining opioids harder, which may be good for some and harmful for others.

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At PAINWeek we look at topics from all sides. Here, Michael C. Barnes, an attorney who practices law with DCBA Law and Policy in Washington DC, gives his opinion on the opioid controversy, and what practitioners and patients should think about as Plan B.

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Unfortunately with the current opioid epidemic, practitioners across all subspecialties are looking to find alternatives to treat pain effectively and to not solely rely on opiates especially as a first line treatment. In the emergency department we see a variety of pain, some mild, some severe. For...

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In addition to other shortcomings, current prescribing guidelines are particularly ill-suited to the needs and challenges of patients already on opioid therapy. Drs. Heit and Gourlay discuss the roots of the problem and the role of primary care as talented amateurs in addiction medicine.

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Can opioids be rationally prescribed for chronic pain? Dr. Stacey considers some of the components of getting there, including strengths and limitations in the current CDC guidelines, the practice of tapering; elements of patient assessment, red flags to watch for, and the proper role of opioids in...

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Although recent CDC guidelines have focused on opioids for chronic pain management, little attention has gone to the perioperative setting as a potential contributor to the prescription drug crisis. Dr. Bottros gives his perspective on opioids and other alternatives for postoperative pain.

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The recently released CDC prescribing guidelines and recommendations from the National Pain Strategy refer to pain psychology as on the critical path to the management of pain. Drs. Mackey and Darnall discuss this role and what needs to be done to bring this treatment modality within the reach of...

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Recent guidelines from the CDC strongly urge a reduction in opioid prescribing in favor of a multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of chronic pain. Dr. Silverman discusses how frontline practitioners can contextualize this information to help patients achieve better functionality and quality...

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