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The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) is against recent proposed cuts in the 2023 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Physician Fee Schedule. According to the press release, these reductions will add to the already existing financial strain anesthesia groups face. In addition,...

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As anyone who’s had a root canal knows, music can help take your mind off a painful procedure. But why? Researchers publishing their findings in the journal of Science “discovered that analgesic effects of sound depended on a low (5-decibel) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) relative to ambient noise in...

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If you’re a patient in pain, and your doctor is sleep deprived, you may be underprescribed analgesics. According to researchers publishing their findings in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), practitioner empathy is more than a small part of prescribing. Studying systematic bias...

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What’s going on in the healthcare and pain community? Who are the stakeholders involved? Dr. Stephen Ziegler discusses what we should all be focusing on.

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JAMA Network Open examined the diets and activity levels of normal weight patients or those either postbariatric surgery or eligible for surgery. Over 4600 patients were culled from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018. Bariatric surgery decreased obesity, heart disease...

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The journal of Anesthesiology published a report on the viability of pain management medication development. Using a database and over 1600 data points, researchers analyzed variables to note the probability of “success, duration, and survivorship of pain medication development programs between...

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Shoulder pain is, globally, the 3rd most common musculoskeletal complaint, and rotator cuff tendinopathy—whether acute or chronic—is a leading cause of shoulder pain. Prevalence is high, with up to 70% of the world having shoulder pain at some point, and up to a half still having pain at a year’s...

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The Journal of Pain Research reports that not only the patients in the ICU are in pain. A cross-sectional study of 356 people—including nurses, doctors, and other workers—in a tertiary hospital in China showed high percentages of people in pain:

  • ICU nurses: 72%
  • ICU doctors: 64%
  • ICU workers...

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“A successful transition” means different things to different people. For 8 patients with chronic pain, transitioning from pediatric care to adult care involved empowerment and individualized approaches. Researchers recruited adult chronic pain patients through social media to ask about their...

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Pain often brings about anxiety and depression, which in turn can worsen the pain. The Journal of Neuroscience has published a paper entitled GABAergic CaMKIIα+ Amygdala Output Attenuates Pain and Modulates Emotional-motivational Behaviour via Parabrachial Inhibition. In their Significance Statement...

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