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An examination of the prominent musculoskeletal pain conditions in women through different stages of life, including some strategies for treatment.

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I think that autonomy is very important when we’re looking at issues of adherence.  In this country for the most part, people with pain are treated not particularly well, in my opinion, and as a bioethicist, I really struggle with that. Treatment agreements, also oftentimes called opioid contracts...

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Our goal, as part of the multidisciplinary team, is to help patients who have pain issues, treat them compassionately, treat them effectively, minimize the burden to the patient, minimize the burden to the family, maintain functional independence and help prevent damage to the community at large...

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Medical cannabinoids are legal in several states, yet there is prescriber resistance to their use. This segment examines some reasons, and discusses the MOA and appropriate patient scenarios for this therapy.

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Leonard Kish coined the phrase that patient engagement is a blockbuster drug of the 21st century. What research has shown is that if you have engaged patients, you’re going to have better satisfaction, fewer medical errors, and better outcomes. Patients follow the regime of the treatment plan better...

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Are you prepared to deal successfully with this frequently encountered, yet poorly studied condition? This discussion defines the phenomenon of chronic postsurgical pain, explores the causes of transition from acute to chronic pain, and examines some of the risk factors that clinicians should be...

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A review of obesity-related pain, including links and comorbidities, assessment measures, and techniques for initiating the patient discussion about the conditions. Dr. Bonakdar offers valuable insight into the current understanding of the condition and elements of successful management.

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Quantitative Sensory Testing can provide clinically useful information on potential mechanisms that may contribute to a patient’s pain. Dr. Fillingim discusses the methodology and its application to patient evaluation and treatment selection.

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Pain clinicians are also pain educators, and it’s critically important for them to understand the basic principles of instructional systems development or instructional design. One approach that I like is the ADDIE model, which stands for analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation...

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Managing pain in a world without opioids is a scenario that would harm some because there are truly, in my experience, individuals for whom the use of an opioid analgesic on a long-term basis, on a regular basis, made a huge difference in that person’s ability to function comfortably and maximally...

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