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Social media is the future of communications. You can use it for branding, for community outreach, and you can use it for patient education. The fastest growing segment of social media consumers is populations over the age of 50, and research shows one of the primary reasons to be because they are...

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Has The Decade of Pain had a positive impact on the caliber of pain education in the US? A prominent pain educator and practitioner offers an assessment of pain education today, including lessons learned from the past that may guide future improvements. Watch the video for thoughtful insights from...

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When patients are taught about the physiology of their pain, their treatment outcomes improve. Dr. Schopmeyer discusses the role of Therapeutic Neuroscience Education in promoting an understanding of the role of the brain in producing pain.

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Dr. Schatman critiques the present state of affairs in medical marijuana and illuminates a more promising path for exploration in pain therapy.

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Myofascial pain syndrome is a very common diagnosis in pain clinics.  We know that probably 85% of the people seen in a tertiary care pain clinic have myofascial pain syndrome either as a primary or a secondary diagnosis, and pretty much everything that we see, such as radiculopathy and nerve damage...

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Options, Outcomes, Risks, and Complications

The procedures that we do in interventional pain medicine to alleviate pain, improve function and enhance quality of life are sometimes misunderstood and not clearly elaborated to the medical community. There are a range of pain conditions that...

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Avoiding Risks while Preserving Benefits

The current approach to managing pain in a postoperative environment has continued to progress even over the last decade in terms of multimodal analgesia. So after a patient leaves the hospital, after they finish their surgery and had this intensive...

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Dr. Mackey is Division Chief for Pain Medicine at Stanford University, and is the current President of the American Academy of Pain Medicine. Here, he summarizes his PAINWeek 2014 lecture on the neurophysiology of pain transmission, with a focus on what the frontline clinician should know.

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A professor of occupational therapy discusses VTE and the various reasons why the clinician may overlook the diagnosis when patients present with the classic symptoms of pain.

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A podiatrist offers a review of some painful foot and ankle conditions that are commonly seen in private clinical practice.

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