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Leonard Kish called patient engagement the wonder drug of the 21st century. The Affordable Care Act requires it, and the evidence shows that people engaged in their own care, including those with chronic pain, experience improved health outcomes, lower costs, improved patient care, and decreased...

| Podcast

Although many providers have experience in advising their patients to use topical analgesics for treatment of various types of acute and chronic pain conditions, there are new insights into just how important the skin is in evaluating and treating people with chronic pain. In this translational...

| Podcast

Millions of patients each year suffer from acute pain as a result of trauma, illness, or surgery. Pain is the most common reason for admission to the emergency department (ED), comprising more than 40% of the over 100 million ED visits annually. The prevalence of intense acute pain is similarly high...

| Podcast

This course presents the basic principles of etiology, diagnosis, and management of orofacial pain using transformative care. Because orofacial structures have close association with eating, communication, sight, and hearing as well as forming the basis for appearance, self-esteem, and personal...

| Podcast

Pain and depression. Depression and pain. Are they the same or do they just "look" the same? Is one the chicken and one the egg? Both terms reflect more than just a single concept. They represent complex constructs that relate to and interact with one another. In order to appreciate all the angles...

| Podcast

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the fastest growing major health condition with symptomatic disease affecting approximately 46 million people in the US. Hyaluronic acid gives synovial fluid the viscous quality that helps to lubricate and absorb shock. Joints affected by OA have poorer quality and less...

| Podcast

This course will discuss the use of ketamine in emergency departments (EDs) for the management of pain and procedural sedation in adults, children, and high risk populations. Ketamine has been used for years in pediatric procedural sedation and has now become the "go-to" drug for adult...

| Video

Special K is often thought of as a drug of abuse, but it also may be a valid opioid replacement.

| Podcast

Methadone is a very useful opioid that indisputably requires careful attention to dosing and monitoring. In this fast paced presentation, participants will learn about the American Pain Society guidelines for the safe and effective use of methadone and how those guidelines should be applied for...

| Podcast

Burnout has reached epidemic proportions among healthcare professionals and is especially high among those who care for patients with chronic pain and chronic painful conditions such as migraine and fibromyalgia. This course will review the definition and prevalence of burnout, review the risk...

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