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PsyDs Melissa Fledderjohann and Christian Washburn work at the San Mateo Medical Center Pain Management Clinic in California. In this interview they talk about what makes their work setting, and the programs within it, unique.

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Changes in guidelines have brought about reductions in opioid doses. Melissa Fledderjohann and Christian Washburn, both PSYD, on active modalities they recommend being incorporated into treatment.

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Emergency departments are paying so much attention to pain management now. When you look at about two years ago, if you picked up one of our three major emergency medicine journals, maybe every few months there was a pain article. And now there's several articles in each issue. Part of it has to do...

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For a lot of reasons, including the increase in patient numbers and the complexity of pain management, we see a lot more NPs, PAs and advanced practice nurses working as primary practitioners in collaboration with the other physicians on their team. Not only do we see advanced practice providers in...

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An article published in this month’s edition of the Journal of Psychiatric Practice summarizes recent evidence supporting the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as an opioid sparing alternative for treatment of chronic noncancer pain. Authors Muhammad Hassan Majeed, MD, with...

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Pharmacists Abigail Brooks and Courtney Kominek on health insurance, medication options, and education. How is insurance changing how practitioners treat pain?

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Do patients want or expect elimination of their pain? Or is it all about getting them to function at their best? A practitioner needs to know a patient's goals, and how to help them achieve those goals. Dr. Jeffrey Fudin discusses.

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After seeing patients who have failed treatment, or treatments have failed them, David Glick has a different take on the question "Which is the ultimate goal of treatment: elimination of pain or enhancement of functionality?"

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The current state of health insurance is a concern for all practitioners and patients. Dr. Gowda, a pain management physician at the San Mateo Medical Center in California, a "safety net" hospital, discusses resources and why it's important to look not just at the now, but also at the future.

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Dr. Gowda is a pain management physician at the San Mateo Medical Center in California, a "safety net" hospital. Here he discusses the opioid controversy and other treatment modalities.

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