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Although hip replacement surgery has a high success rate in relieving pain and improving mobility and quality of life, a common complication from the procedure is dislocation, for which the risk increases in cases of revision surgery. Conclusions from a new study conducted at Hospital for Special...

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The Fascial Distortion Model can help guide a practitioner towards treatment selection because the model is based on the patient’s input. The patient is the expert. Patients guide us as practitioners by body language or gestures and their verbal description of their pain. They show us exactly the...

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The Fascial Distortion Model looks at six different types of patterns of gestures that people do when they have an injury. When they show a certain gesture, we’re going to use a certain manual therapy technique that’s going to match. If they indicate with their finger a single spot on the bone, we...

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In a presentation at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2018, clinicians from Cleveland Clinic Akron General Hospital detailed a treatment protocol that avoids the use of opioids following colorectal surgery and that results in shorter hospital stays. Lead author Sophia Horattas, MD...

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Understanding pain can be challenging, and using models or theories can simplify the complex. When treating people who have persistent pain, having a framework to reference is imperative, informative, and supports clinical reasoning. What is the gate control theory? Who introduced the neuromatrix...

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Researchers from UCLA and University of New South Wales, Sydney, report that they have developed a gel-like material infused with magnetic particles that can exert biomechanical forces to relieve chronic pain. The process works by influencing cell proteins that control the flow of calcium ions, and...

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