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What treatments might help those with painful trigeminal neuralgia? Is there anything new? What about surgery? Dr. Jennifer Robblee, a headache neurologist at Barrow in Phoenix, Arizona, discusses.

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With news items stating that “62% of hospitals [have] nurse vacancies rates higher than 7.5%”1 and “About one in five health-care workers has left their job since the pandemic started”2 the industry needs this boost: a California Department of Health Care Access and Information grant for $2.2...

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Researchers surveyed the use of services—PCP visits, a pharmacist, a school nurse, outpatient appointments for injury—by over 8,000 adolescents (age 11-15) culled from 84 UK schools. Among the findings, adolescents reported

  • Pain and suicidality: 9%
  • Suicidality alone: 11%
  • Pain alone: 13%
  • Nei...

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"Doing something as simple as reducing daily TV-watching time can have a profound effect on bodily pain trajectories that occur with aging,” states the principal researcher of an article in the BMC Public Health journal. Over 4,000 people in the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study were...

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With the help of over $4.5 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health, Oregon Health & Science University researchers hope to develop a treatment for pain resulting from the Chikungunya virus. The virus can cause long term debilitating joint pain. The experimental antiviral treatment...

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A new study in BMC Psychiatry investigated the connections between people injured on the job, and chronic pain, depression/anxiety, and suicide. During outpatient visits from the 2 largest workers’ compensation hospitals and systems in Chile, over 1,940 patients were evaluated via 3 questionnaires...

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In this interview, Peter Pryzbylkowski, MD, explains the gate control theory, how neuromodulation works, and who are candidates for it. Dr. Pryzbylkowski, a double board certified interventional pain physician and anesthesiologist whose practice is in Philadelphia, tells why he is excited about the...

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Dr. Mayank Gupta, President & CEO of the Kansas Pain Management and Neuroscience Research Center in Overland Park, discusses the need for experts in pain management to also be experts in medication management.

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Are autistic individuals hypo- or hypersensitive to pain, or indifferent to pain? A study in the journal of PAIN examined assumptions about how those with autism perceive pain. Sensory testing was done in 52 adults with autism, along with 52 nonautistic subjects to determine reactions to responses...

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How can dispensing pharmacists and retail pharmacists take a more active role in their community and as practitioners? Doctors Meyer-Junco and Seivert share their experiences as pharmacists, and the need to continue learning.

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