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Newswise —  Like buoys bobbing on the ocean, many receptors float on the surface of a cell’s membrane with a part sticking above the water and another underwater, inside the cell’s cytoplasm. But for cells to function, these receptors must be docked at specific regions of the cell. Most research has...

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Article abstract: Although ethnic differences in pain perception are well documented, the underlying mechanism for these outcomes has not been established. µ-opioid receptor (MOR) function might contribute to this disparity, given that MORs play a key role in pain sensitivity and modulation. However...

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Placebos are designed to have no therapeutic value. They are used as a control in testing other drugs. However, a new study from the Back Pain Center at the University Hospital in Essen, Germany, uncovered some interesting information: the open-label group—who knew they were taking placebos—reported...

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Education is a powerful weapon in the management of pain. But how do you keep students interested?

An educational intervention must be carefully planned to be effective. It’s important to prepare clinicians for anything ranging from the curbside consult to an entire course.

  • I think to go to a...

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What’s best for the patient? That should always be the #1 question a clinician asks. Whether utilizing old molecules new ways, or using new opportunities to lessen pain, practitioners want what will work best for each individual patient. Dr. Passik discusses.

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Newswise — Improving acute pain management after traumatic injury remains a priority for policymakers and clinicians as rates of injury and subsequent pain-related disability rise nationally. Yet, innovations in trauma pain management remain understudied.

A 7-year prospective cohort study from...

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Newswise — A new multisite study funded by the National Institute on Aging will examine whether co-occurring Alzheimer’s disease and stage 4 breast or prostate cancer alters pain perception, potentially leading to undertreated cancer pain.

The five-year project, led by primary investigators...

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Newswise — A UC Davis research team, led by Vladimir Yarov-Yarovoy and Heike Wulff, will receive a $1.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop a novel class of peptides that are better at treating pain and don’t have the side effects of opioids. The grant is part of...

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A study published in Neurology evaluated facial pain presentation from an outpatient clinic in Germany. Headache and facial pain patients completed questionnaires. “Based on these findings, researchers believe that these symptoms could be a facial pain disorder that is not yet well described or...

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Newswise — You can now get a total knee replacement in the morning at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and be home that afternoon. UAB’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery has begun to do same-day knee replacement surgeries for selected patients.

“For some patients, an overnight stay in the...

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