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A study in a recently published article in PLOS ONE sought to answer questions such as what affect does health and wellness coaching (HWC) have on individuals with chronic pain? As some patients and practitioners seek nonpharmacologic chronic pain treatment, often involving an interdisciplinary...

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From the Mental Health Clinician journal.


Introduction: Chronic lower back pain is a leading cause of disability in US adults. Opioid use continues to be controversial despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance on chronic pain management to use nonpharmacologic...

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From the American Journal of Psychiatry.


Objective: Given changes in U.S. marijuana laws, attitudes, and use patterns, individuals with pain may be an emerging group at risk for nonmedical cannabis use and cannabis use disorder. The authors examined differences in the prevalence of...

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From NEJM Catalyst.

While Covid-19 has rightly grabbed the attention of health care organizations and policymakers, other health care challenges, like the opioid crisis, persist under the radar. Many people continue to suffer from poorly managed pain, and, in fact, may face additional challenges...

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Newswise — Cannabis appears to be a safe and potentially effective treatment for the chronic pain that afflicts people with sickle cell disease, according to a new clinical trial co-led by University of California, Irvine researcher Kalpna Gupta and Dr. Donald Abrams of UC San Francisco. The...

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From the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.


• Psychological flexibility (PF) & self-compassion (SC) predict pain outcomes.

• In people with chronic pain (n=420) PF and SC variables were significantly correlated.

• SC predicted depression, pain interference and work and...

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An abstract (399) from the Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

Objectives: The goal of this work is to develop a clinical [18F]FDG PET/MRI method to accurately localize sites of increased inflammation related to sources of pain. The aims are to 1) determine whether imaging findings correlate with...

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In 2010, the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Healthcare Center became the first fully integrated facility caring for active duty, veterans, retirees, and dependents in the US. This presented healthcare professionals with unique challenges including how to address pain management in such a diverse...

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Newswise — Choice and control are important factors for ensuring a positive childbirth experience, yet until recently, little was known about the impact of alternative administrations of fentanyl – one of the pain relief drugs used during labour– on both mother and baby.

Now, world-first...

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Humans have been searching for the Fountain of Youth for millennia, from Herodotus to Ponce de León. Some people feel that regenerative medicine, a field that encompasses stem cells, growth factors, and other cell mediating proteins, is that magical fountain, while others, including some physicians...

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