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The European Journal of Pain published a 2-part clinical practice guideline: part 1 covers the role of opioids in the management of chronic noncancer pain (CNCP) and part 2, special situations. The position paper was commissioned by the European Pain Federation (EFIC). Eight scientific societies and...

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According to the creator of the UCLA Pediatric Pain Clinic and Whole Child LA, 1 in 5 children in the United States has chronic pain. Dr. Lonnie Zeltzer says, “children who have chronic pain for long periods of time and who have gone through so many evaluations by different sub-specialists and...

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Does childhood maltreatment contribute to higher rates of pain catastrophizing in those with immune-mediated inflammatory disease (IMID)? Researchers asking that question published their findings in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Over 570 people with multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel...

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A narrative review of minocycline—a 2nd-generation, semi-synthetic tetracycline used as a broad-spectrum antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties—was performed by researchers evaluating its effectiveness in lessening neuropathic pain. Results were published in the Journal of Pain Research. A...

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Cancer leads to chronic pain for 5 million cancer survivors, and that pain is frequently treated with medication. However, acupuncture treatments may work better, and with fewer potential side effects. An article in JAMA Oncology reports a review of two types of acupuncture: electroacupuncture...

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An article published in BMC Health Services Research reveals the opinions of healthcare providers about digital interventions for patients. A dozen HCPs were interviewed about their experiences with chronic pain patients and digital self-management. Are their patients using eHealth services? Are...

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Optimal treatment of rheumatoid arthritis involves more than evaluation of inflammation and disease progression. RA is one of the 50 most common diseases, affecting 1.3 million people in the US and 15 million worldwide. Evaluation and detection of RA should involve other factors that may influence...

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An article in the Neuron journal looked at neural mechanisms of pain severity and response as they relate to gender. Do men and women feel pain differently? If yes, why? If they do, should they receive different types of pain relief? In past studies of neural pathways, only male mice were included...

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As reported in the Academic Emergency Medicine journal, researchers studied emergency department patients with acute, moderate to severe pain. The 98 patients were aged 18 to 59 and administered IV ketamine. For short-term treatment of acute pain in an emergency department, no difference was seen in...

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Does money talk? How can hospitals be encouraged to promote quicker treatment for opioid use disorder? Researchers at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania published findings in the journal of Psychiatric Services, their objectives being, “a voluntary financial incentive...

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