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Postoperative pain in adults. Which is better for pain relief after outpatient surgery, NSAIDs or codeine? An article published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, or CMAJ, detailed the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis, with patient pain scores as the primary outcome and...

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A letter published in the journal of Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy brings to light a potential new tool to combat chronic pain. Conolidine, used in traditional Chinese medicine, is a natural analgesic alkaloid that targets the atypical chemokine receptor ACKR3. Researchers say it offers...

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“Leaders in pain medicine recognize that terminology needs to keep up with our understanding of disorders, their pathophysiologies, and their treatment.” So say the authors of an article published in the Journal of Pain Research, one of whom is long time PAINWeek faculty, Michael Schatman, PhD, CPE...

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A chronic pelvic pain specialist, Jorge F. Carrillo, MD, discusses the challenges of understanding visceral and somatic pain, their presentations, and the organ systems involved. Symptoms may be confusing, and patients may have difficulty explaining their pain to a practitioner. And the practitioner...

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Findings from the 2002 to 2018 National Health Interview Survey for adults aged 25 to 84 are discouraging. Pain prevalence—for headache/migraine, joint, low back, neck, facial/jaw pain—has gone up, with people reporting a 10% increase of pain in at least 1 area. That equals an additional 10.5...

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The Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation (NOPAIN) Act was recently introduced into the House of Representatives, after working its way through the senate. Its goal? To make it easier to access non-opioid pain management treatments. The Act hopes to “address payment disincentives for...

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An article in JAMA Network Open asked, “Do 5 sessions of flotation restricted environmental stimulation therapy [REST] alleviate chronic pain?” Participants floated in a tank of high salt concentrated water heated to skin temperature. Exposure to stimuli—thermal, visual, acoustic, and mechanical—was...

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Challenges. That’s what prescribers are facing when prescribing buprenorphine. They face barriers, hurdles, difficulties helping their patients overcome opioid use disorder. Even though things are changing—the federal government has removed some barriers, such as requiring special training for...

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The Clinical Journal of Pain published an article examining the power of clearly defined symptoms in pain conditions and affects on patient stigmatization. The study looked at two pain conditions in particular: rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia sufferers, through daily diaries...

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At least 1 in 5 Australians live with chronic pain. Much like North America, that pain translates into high health costs and low productivity. $4.1 million will help to improve access to rural and remote Australians and those who most need chronic long term pain management. Among other benefits, the...

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