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The Clinical Journal of Pain reports a comparative analysis that looked at children ages 13 to 17 and how chronic pain affects executive functioning (EF). Although there have been studies which demonstrated that chronic pain causes differences in working memory and attention in adults, this study...

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Why do some people have COVID but don’t even know it? It’s posited that SARS-CoV-2 infection can block pain. While that’s bad for people with the infection, who may be unaware that they are even sick and potentially spreading the disease, the process may offer “unexpected new possibilities for...

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In a study discussing “the mystery of American pain,” two aspects of pain were examined: level of education and age. The findings are eye-opening. Less educated Americans are reporting higher levels of pain than the elderly, perhaps due to stress from both the economy and work, and limited access to...

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According to an article in JAMA, “…most guidelines focus on escalating care and provide few explicit recommendations to stop or scale back (ie, deintensify) treatment and testing” of medical services for chronic conditions or prevention. The article authors recommend “Stopping these services when...

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In a guide for team physicians working with young athletes—10 to 18 years old—it is recommended that practitioners look at all factors involved before potentially prescribing opioids to this age group. This Special Communications: Team Physician and Consensus Statement appears in the journal Medicin...

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Newswise — In the first-ever study to compare surgeon and patient expectations in foot and ankle surgery, research performed at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City has determined that two-thirds of patients have higher presurgical expectations than their surgeons. The paper, titled...

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A Duke University research team has found a small area of the brain in mice that can profoundly control the animals' sense of pain.

Somewhat unexpectedly, this brain center turns pain off, not on. It's also located in an area where few people would have thought to look for an anti-pain center...

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Introduction: The exclusive focus of the numeric rating scale (NRS) on pain intensity reduces the experience of chronic pain to a single dimension. This drawback minimizes the complex effects of chronic pain on patients’ lives and the trade-offs that are often involved in analgesic decision-making...

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Newswise — Patients’ ratings of hospitals and willingness to recommend them have almost no correlation to the quality of medical care provided or to patient survival rates, according to new Cornell University research.

Would you choose a hospital based on its Yelp reviews? Relying on hospitals’...

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Newswise — A new multisite study funded by the National Institute on Aging will examine whether co-occurring Alzheimer’s disease and stage 4 breast or prostate cancer alters pain perception, potentially leading to undertreated cancer pain.

The five-year project, led by primary investigators...

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