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The complex problems that opioid issues bring about are not easily solved. Jeremy A. Adler, MS, PA-C, of Pacific Pain Medicine Consultants, warns against looking for a single solution.

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In an oral presentation delivered at the 2017 meeting of the North American Menopause Society, Carolyn J. Gibson, PhD, MPH, of the San Francisco VA Health Care System, offered her team’s findings on the relationship of menopause to chronic pain incidence and opioid use patterns among veterans. “The...

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We just want to remind clinicians that it's an interdisciplinary approach that's going to help people the most, especially when you're weaning people off of medications. If the opiates have been the primary tool that they've used to manage their pain and you're taking that away, you need to give...

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There is not very great evidence in terms of what the outcomes are for long-term opioid therapy for chronic non-cancer pain. That's not to say that it's good or bad. But the question is how do we prescribe opioids, how do we do it safely, and when patients express interest in tapering their opioids...

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Dr. Date works at a county hospital in San Mateo, California, where opioids are just one of the tools in the pain management toolbox. 

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Unfortunately with the current opioid epidemic, practitioners across all subspecialties are looking to find alternatives to treat pain effectively and to not solely rely on opiates especially as a first line treatment. In the emergency department we see a variety of pain, some mild, some severe. For...

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In addition to other shortcomings, current prescribing guidelines are particularly ill-suited to the needs and challenges of patients already on opioid therapy. Drs. Heit and Gourlay discuss the roots of the problem and the role of primary care as talented amateurs in addiction medicine.

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Can opioids be rationally prescribed for chronic pain? Dr. Stacey considers some of the components of getting there, including strengths and limitations in the current CDC guidelines, the practice of tapering; elements of patient assessment, red flags to watch for, and the proper role of opioids in...

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Although recent CDC guidelines have focused on opioids for chronic pain management, little attention has gone to the perioperative setting as a potential contributor to the prescription drug crisis. Dr. Bottros gives his perspective on opioids and other alternatives for postoperative pain.

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The recently released CDC prescribing guidelines and recommendations from the National Pain Strategy refer to pain psychology as on the critical path to the management of pain. Drs. Mackey and Darnall discuss this role and what needs to be done to bring this treatment modality within the reach of...

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