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A cluster of conditions that frequently co-occur, can be local or widespread, and either solely or predominantly affect women are referred to as chronic overlapping pain conditions. They include:

  • Endometriosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Painful bladder syndrome
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Chronic low back...

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Migraine is one of the largest chronic illnesses of childhood, one of the most disabling, and one of the most underrecognized diseases of childhood:

  • Before puberty, 6% to 7% of boys and girls have headache
  • During adolescence into young adulthood, we start seeing more females than males having...

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An article in Neurology looks at the addition of yoga to "conventional" medication management of migraine to lower the frequency of episodic migraine, and its intensity.

Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of yoga as an adjuvant to conventional medical management on clinical outcomes in...

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Newswise — Many people think migraines are just bad headaches. But they’re so much more. In some people, they cause nausea or vomiting. In others, they enhance sensitivity to light, sounds and smell. Sometimes they cause vision distortion, numbness in an extremity or slurred speech.

While no...

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It has been discovered and noted that activation of trigeminal pathways to the meninges is what’s responsible for the onset of migraine pain; many migraine symptoms are activated through CGRP relevant neurons associated with the trigeminal vascular system.

CGRP—calcitonin gene-related peptide—is...

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Newswise — Migraine headache is the third most common disease in the world affecting about 1 in 7 people. More prevalent than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined, migraine headaches are among the most common and potentially debilitating disorders encountered by primary health care providers...

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What a person experiences during a migraine, loosely speaking, is a very sensitized brain. Migraine is among the most disabling disorders in the world, and much of the treatment armamentarium to date comes with significant unwanted effects. But new advances in our understanding of neurotransmitters...

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Newswise — Inhaled cannabis reduces self-reported headache severity by 47.3% and migraine severity by 49.6%, according to a recent study led by Carrie Cuttler, a Washington State University assistant professor of psychology.

The study, published online recently in the Journal of Pain, is the...

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Despite being one of the more frequently noted triggers for migraine, estrogen and its role in the pathology of migraine is still unknown. This talk discusses the current understanding of the role of estrogen in the headache experience. We will start by touching on the clinical experience the field...

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A study published in Neurology evaluated facial pain presentation from an outpatient clinic in Germany. Headache and facial pain patients completed questionnaires. “Based on these findings, researchers believe that these symptoms could be a facial pain disorder that is not yet well described or...

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