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Newswise — This clear, gooey substance, which is naturally produced by the human body, has been popularized by cosmetic and skin care products that promote healthier, plumper and more supple skin. Also recognized for its abilities to speed up wound healing, reduce joint pain from osteoarthritis, and...

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Newswise —  World Trade Center (WTC) responders with prostate cancer showed signs that exposure to dust from the World Trade Center site had activated chronic inflammation in their prostates, which may have contributed to their cancer, according to a study by Mount Sinai researchers in Molecular...

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Psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disorder, affects 2% to 4% of the population worldwide, with a particularly high incidence—up to 11% by some estimates—in Norway. In an effort to better understand the environmental and inherited contributors to the condition, a research team led by Mari Løset...

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Inflammation—a necessary physiological response to foreign agents and invasive organisms—becomes harmful when excessive or prolonged, contributing to gout, osteoarthritis, and other conditions. Immune cells regulate inflammation via the NLRP3 inflammasome that, when triggered by damage to cell...

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