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As healthcare providers, we often encounter challenges in managing diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). At PAINWeek, we believe that education is the best analgesic. Today, we highlight key considerations and recent developments in the treatment...

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Jacques Cousteau said, “We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one." Water enriched with hydrogen molecules, which has had positive results when used as treatment in Alzheimer’s disease as well as depression, is now being studied for potential treatment of neurologic pain and its...

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Neuropathic pain affects between 3% and 17% of the population. The journal Cureus offers a narrative review of neuropathic pain, stating that early and accurate diagnosis is paramount in improving pain control and outcomes. In this review, researchers provide updated information on neurological...

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What are the best treatments for painful diabetic neuropathy? The American Academy of Neuropathy, with an endorsement by the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine, has updated its 2011 guidelines for oral and topical treatments. The recommendations, which may reduce as...

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Research published in the journal Human Movement Science examined whether those with diabetes, with or without neuropathy, would grip objects differently than healthy subjects. Those results were compared to patients with multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and Parkinson’s. Highlights of...

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Of the estimated 422 million adults with diabetes, approximately 20% will develop painful diabetic neuropathy. In an article published in JAMA Neurology, researchers outlined a study of inadequate relief from painful diabetic neuropathy and the potential of high frequency spinal cord stimulation...

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A narrative review of minocycline—a 2nd-generation, semi-synthetic tetracycline used as a broad-spectrum antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties—was performed by researchers evaluating its effectiveness in lessening neuropathic pain. Results were published in the Journal of Pain Research. A...

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In an article in the PNAS journal, researchers report the power of 3 antibiotics against chronic pain, possibly reducing the need for opioids. The study abstract reports that “demeclocycline, chlortetracycline, and minocycline can be repurposed for treatment of neuropathic pain and potentially for...

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Neuropathic pain—from an injury or disease of the peripheral and/or somatosensory nervous system—is usually severe and chronic, resistant to treatment, and therefore challenging for clinicians attempting to help patients. Researchers noted the high impact of neuropathic pain: "Many people with...

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In a Journal of Nursing Scholarship article, published online ahead of print, type 2 diabetes patients experienced pain and fatigue reduction through relaxation and mindfulness techniques.

Click here for more information about mindfulness on PAINWeek.org.


Purpose: To examine the effects...

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