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"Doing something as simple as reducing daily TV-watching time can have a profound effect on bodily pain trajectories that occur with aging,” states the principal researcher of an article in the BMC Public Health journal. Over 4,000 people in the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study were...

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With the help of over $4.5 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health, Oregon Health & Science University researchers hope to develop a treatment for pain resulting from the Chikungunya virus. The virus can cause long term debilitating joint pain. The experimental antiviral treatment...

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A study in the PAIN journal examined whether comorbidities aided in determining if back pain led to further disability. Over 450 patients ≥55 years of age were included in the prospective cohort study that looked at the 1 year clinical course of back pain related disability. Questionnaires were used...

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JAMA Network Open examined the diets and activity levels of normal weight patients or those either postbariatric surgery or eligible for surgery. Over 4600 patients were culled from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018. Bariatric surgery decreased obesity, heart disease...

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Severe mental illness (SMI) is associated with an earlier death by 15 to 20 years, poor physical health, diabetes, HIV, and a higher burden of pain. A study published in PAIN sought to uncover innovations for the optimization of pain management in this group—defined as schizophrenia spectrum...

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What are the best treatments for painful diabetic neuropathy? The American Academy of Neuropathy, with an endorsement by the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine, has updated its 2011 guidelines for oral and topical treatments. The recommendations, which may reduce as...

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Does what you eat eventually impact the amount of medications you'll need when you’re older? Researchers investigated diets and medication amounts in 328 participants 60 years or older. Via questionnaires and measurements, the participants recounted what they ate, and the number of pills/medication...

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Research published in the journal Human Movement Science examined whether those with diabetes, with or without neuropathy, would grip objects differently than healthy subjects. Those results were compared to patients with multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and Parkinson’s. Highlights of...

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Of the estimated 422 million adults with diabetes, approximately 20% will develop painful diabetic neuropathy. In an article published in JAMA Neurology, researchers outlined a study of inadequate relief from painful diabetic neuropathy and the potential of high frequency spinal cord stimulation...

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Diabetic foot ulcers may lead to amputation and even death. A study of the potential benefits of stem cell treatment on diabetic ulcers, in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, “demonstrates the possibility of a novel cell injection therapy that can alleviate pain and infection, accelerate...

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