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This presentation will focus on stress and how it impacts pain in the body. We will also focus on and define adrenal fatigue. Primary foods will be defined, discussed, and illustrated. Methods and ideas for stress prevention and stress maintenance will be developed and demonstrated.


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As the population ages, chronic conditions, especially pain, will increase in prevalence. Understanding the unique physiological changes that occur with age is important in selecting specific analgesics. This activity reviews the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes accompanying older...

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By 2050, the number of older persons will exceed the number of young people for the first time in history. Persistent pain escalates with age and older adults are susceptible to specific pain conditions. This presentation will review age-associated changes in pain processing, discuss typical painful...

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Today’s women often face the stresses of managing a home and a career. By the time their children are in high school, they may suffer from sleep disturbance, adrenal fatigue, lack of libido, depression, anxiety, and various pain conditions from headache to pelvic pain. There is wonderful help that...

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Dietary supplements are a $30 billion industry with a significant portion of use secondary to pain and pain-related diagnoses. This session will review the prevalence of supplement use in specific pain conditions and important issues related to the topic including regulation and potential...

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Current commonly used risk assessment measures are brief paper and pencil inventories to be completed by patients. These tools have limitations, however, and clinicians often need to followup with a clinical interview. This session will introduce participants to a validated risk assessment method...

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Less than 10% of the analgesics in clinical trials make it past phase II studies. There are many reasons for this, including the inability of animal models to predict efficacy in humans and the placebo response with analgesic trials. This presentation will cover the preclinical models used to study...

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Abundant evidence demonstrates the important contributions of psychological factors to chronic pain. These findings suggest that psychological treatments should be an important component of chronic pain management. This presentation will discuss common psychological approaches to pain management...

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Dr. Passik comments on the debate over opioids as appropriate for chronic non-cancer pain, identifying some shortcomings in the arguments from both sides.

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