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Some observations on pain mechanisms, diagnostic testing and back pain that underlie an effective clinical approach to management and treatment.

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Comments on the prevalence of CRPS and its relation to fibromyalgia from a practitioner and professor of neurology.

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A 2-part discussion of chronic headache; differential diagnosis and treatment approaches.

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Chronic pain can be significantly influenced by psychological factors, and proper recognition and treatment can contribute to clinical success.

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Dr. Robeck is a physician with the Veterans Health Administration.  This discussion introduces the Primary Care Medical Home and its applicability to non-VA clinical settings.

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A 2-part discussion of chronic headache; differential diagnosis and treatment approaches.

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When you go to the textbooks, historically speaking, there was no mention of pain associated with neuromuscular disorders. Most--including Charcot-Marie-Tooth (which is a hereditary neuropathy) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, most forms of muscular dystrophy--conditions were described as painless and...

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Low back pain plagues a lot of us, but as we age we’re more prone to the possibility. Low back pain can be caused by numerous different reasons, but mostly it’s due to musculoligamentous strain. Other things can cause it like facet joint problems in the spine, sacroiliac joint disease, piriformis...

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With increased use of technology, like computers and mobile phones, we see a significant increase in carpal tunnel syndrome and tendon problems like tendonitis of the wrist and elbow. The primary care physician should understand what they are dealing with when somebody presents with elbow or hand...

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Here are some tips that may be useful. I’m very fond of an Intensol. These are highly concentrated oral solutions of a medication. Morphine and oxycodone 20 mg/ml, methadone 10 mg/ml, haloperidol, Ativan, and dexamethasone all come as this highly concentrated oral solution. Even if someone is...

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