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A discussion of the keys to correctly diagnosing and treating low back pain: orthopedic conditions that include musculoskeletal, discogenic, osseous, and nerve related entities.

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There’s a robust body of literature on the comorbidity of depression, anxiety and chronic pain. Approximately 50 percent of patients who suffer from chronic nonmalignant pain suffer from some degree of depression. With respect to pain patients and suicidal ideation the prevalence is anywhere between...

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Why is chronic regional pain syndrome such a frustrating and challenging patient presentation? Dr. Cheatle considers this question, and outlines a successful algorithm for treating the condition at its onset. He also discusses an emerging treatment modality that shows promise for CRPS and other...

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Why is complex regional pain syndrome so challenging? I think part of the debate is what really constitutes CRPS, because it’s really a difficult diagnosis. You can see flagrant cases of it where you’ll get some atrophy and you’ll get color changes, temperature changes. Typically diagnostic tests...

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Roughly 40 percent of anyone’s chronic pain comes from their food. If your pain is worse or you’re having a bad day there’s a reason for it and the most overlooked reason is our food. The food that we eat causes tremendous amounts of inflammation and if we’re eating inflammatory foods, that turns...

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A specialist in orthopedic regenerative medicine overviews a therapeutic option for musculoskeletal pain that carries a low risk profile while delivering high success rates. In use for many years, newer advanced forms of prolotherapy are now part of the pain management arsenal. Watch the segment to...

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A gynecologic pain specialist discusses vulvodynia in the context of other women's pain conditions, with guidance on pain mechanisms and differential diagnosis. With a prevalence of 8% to 20% of the patient population, vaginal pain is deserving of greater clinical attention. Watch the segment to...

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By advancing from a problem/solution perspective to a holistic life coaching approach in the management of chronic pain, both clinician and patient can achieve better, more satisfying, longer lasting outcomes.

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We don’t have very precise tools to evaluate the way the nervous system functions. We have electrophysiological studies like EMG and nerve conduction velocity assessments, but they’re often negative in people who have widespread or other localized pain complaints, and people have been told that that...

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Clinicians must be prepared to recognize that addiction is a disease and it’s a very serious and fatal disease, which is often written off as a weakness or poor moral character, or something like that. Only by recognizing it as a disease can they really help their patients through compassion...

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