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The Pain Educators Forum presents this course because there are so many different levels of practitioner experience with pain management. Specifically, inspiration came from someone who, after attending one of our courses, had a burning question for our faculty: "What do sodium channels have to do...

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The United States is in the midst of a prescription drug crisis. Each year, over 100 million surgical procedures are performed in the US and routinely opioid use is prescribed for postoperative pain. While the recent CDC guidelines are geared towards outpatient chronic pain management, few concerns...

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This session will explore research frontiers in pain medicine and the profound effect food has on inflammation, the immune system, and mood. Nutrient deficiencies associated with pain, holistic pain relief, and foods and vitamins as therapeutic agents will also be discussed. (Recorded at PAINWeek...

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In the age of modern medical miracles, it is easy to forget that we change our body chemistry every time we eat. The quality and composition of our food has the power to increase or decrease body-wide inflammation. Yet most medical schools have only a few hours of learning time devoted to a topic...

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The emerging role of botulinum toxins as chemical neuromodulators, specifically in the management of chronic intractable painful syndromes, will be presented. There is compelling evidence showing that toxins modulate chronic neurogenic inflammation, commonly expressed as peripheral sensitization...

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Opioid emergencies have risen with the increase in prescribing of opioids. It is imperative that prescribers of opioids know when to coprescribe naloxone therapy to their patients. It goes beyond the patient suspected of misuse and abuse. This presentation will focus on the patients you might not...

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Diagnostic testing is an integral component for the differential diagnosis. In routine clinical practice there has been a tendency for clinical examinations to become more cursory, largely influenced by increasing demands of time and patient expectations of technological advances. The end result may...

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Pain management in the elderly can be quite complex. The most common method of pain control in this population is pharmacotherapy. However, this patient population is becoming subject to the complex interactions and risks associated with polypharmacy. Hence, interventional strategies are...

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Nonopioid analgesics are oftentimes considered first-line therapy for most chronic pain syndromes. A strong understanding of these agents' mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity profiles is paramount for today's pain practitioner. This course will provide an in-depth look at each of the...

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The course will overview current believed mechanisms of actions surrounding platelet rich plasma (PRP) and how it is acquired from patients. It will describe current indications for use and possible side effects of its use. The literature as it stands will be reviewed in depth with specific time...

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