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Regenerative therapy is kind of on the forefront of new technologies that are being developed to help people with chronic pain. What you're really trying to do is heal damaged tissue, which is kind of a novel approach. In our field, we're used to giving a molecule to help with pain. And what we're...

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Widely used treatment approaches for chronic pain may not be appropriate for patients from differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds, say findings from a study conducted at Western Sydney University, Australia. Study author Bernadette Brady, senior physiotherapist at Liverpool Hospital, and a...

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The insurance industry's curiosity about pharmacogenomics is interesting because those of us who talk about policy tried to help them understand that they can save a lot of money, which really is their only concern. However, the insurance industry is a little bit uncomfortable after the urine drug...

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Dysmenorrhea is simply defined as chronic cyclical pelvic pain and it's almost always associated with menstruation. It's a syndrome that's unique to women, and it's very common. Dysmenorrhea can start very early in a woman's life, as soon as they start menstruating, which is the definition of...

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The biologic response to stress is a struggle for homeostasis, and a better understanding of the process may inform better decisions in pain management. Dr. Blatman offers some insights, and the beneficial impact of nutritional intervention.

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 Jeremy A. Adler, MS, PA-C, of Pacific Pain Medicine Consultants, warns against looking for a single solution.

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In an oral presentation delivered at the 2017 meeting of the North American Menopause Society, Carolyn J. Gibson, PhD, MPH, of the San Francisco VA Health Care System, offered her team’s findings on the relationship of menopause to chronic pain incidence and opioid use patterns among veterans. “The...

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Despite promising evidence from 2 prior small studies, patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) are no more effectively treated with low-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) than with placebo, according to a research team from the Pain Research Institute, Institute of Translational...

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A fresh understanding of the experience of chronic pain in a poorly understood population demographic--homeless older adults--was provided by a study conducted by researchers from the University of California San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital. The study found that almost 50% of...

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In addition to other shortcomings, current prescribing guidelines are particularly ill-suited to the needs and challenges of patients already on opioid therapy. Drs. Heit and Gourlay discuss the roots of the problem and the role of primary care as talented amateurs in addiction medicine.

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