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A veteran’s self-reported level of trauma/pain is important but doesn’t always give clinicians an objective measurement. A new study published in Frontiers in Pain Research identified connection strength via functional magnetic resonance imaging of army veterans’ brain regions. By scanning 57...

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The journal of Children reports on new guidelines for a pervasive health concern. With a monthly prevalence of 20% in young kids, potentially leading to a lifetime prevalence of 40%, back pain is serious. The guideline, developed by 14 professional societies in Germany, is based on a literature...

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Sponsored by Republican and Democratic Senators alike, the Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act “would allow Medicare beneficiaries access to the chiropractic profession’s broad-based, non-drug approach to pain management, which includes manual manipulation of the spine and extremities...

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What is the association between chronic low back pain (CLBP) and regional brain atrophy? A Japanese study asked that question and answers are published in the journal Pain. Basically, the part of the brain that processes pain may have atrophied. Over 1100 participants 65 years or older were put into...

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The question posed in an article published in Annals of Internal Medicine: have patients suffering from chronic noncancer pain been affected negatively by state laws curbing opioid prescribing? There have been a few overlapping laws, for prescribing caps, pill mills, enrollment, and mandatory...

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The journal Spinal Cord has published an article titled “Psychological morbidity following spinal cord injury and among those without spinal cord injury: the impact of chronic centralized and neuropathic pain.” Researchers compared psychological morbidities—such as mood disorders, sleep problems...

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In an effort to uncover empirical evidence, the National Football League is funding a trial on the efficacy of cannabis. Many professional athletes claim cannabis lessens pain after a game and accelerates recovery, but does it? Via testing and monitoring, the NFL hopes to determine the value, and...

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Chronic lower back pain is, unfortunately, ubiquitous. A study in JAMA Network Open reports some good news: aquatic exercise used for therapy for those with chronic low back pain has been shown to be effective! Although it’s a relatively small study—a clinical trial of 113 people—results were...

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Do you have a patient with degenerative disc disease? The statistics say that YES you probably do: 40% of people over age 40 and 80% of people over age 80 experience degenerative disc disease. But does that make them good candidates for a cervical implant? Surgeons rely on imaging studies to help...

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Is greater pain reduction found with a closed-loop spinal cord stimulator (SCS) vs fixed-output, open-loop SCS system? Worldwise, 7.5% of people have low back pain, some including leg pain. JAMA Neurology reports findings from a study of participants with chronic, intractable back and leg pain for...

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