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A CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report recommends “systemic mental health screening” for arthritis sufferers. Over half a billion adults in the United States with arthritis may benefit from healthcare provider screening and referrals to psychotherapy and other programs to allay depression and...

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Newswise — Osteoarthritis can’t be ignored.

On a grand scale, it is the most common form of arthritis (which actually isn’t a specific disease but rather a general term for inflammation in a joint), accounting for more cases than all the other forms combined. It affects an estimated 31 million...

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Rheumatology Leaders and Patient Advocates Convene on Capitol Hill to Advocate for Patient Access to Care, Solutions to Workforce Shortage

ACR Members Urged Federal Lawmakers to Support the Safe Step Act, Empower for Health Act, and the REDI Act During Annual Advocates for Arthritis Event


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Newswise — More than 50 million U.S. adults have arthritis. Many experience severe joint pain and, likely because of their pain, don’t do much exercising if at all.

But medical experts say that while joint pain is often managed with medication, regular physical activity, trying as it can be, can...

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Newswise — ROCHESTER, Minn. — Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis often are affected by functional disability a year or two before the disease is diagnosed, according to new Mayo Clinic research.

The results of the study, to be published in June in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, suggest that...

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An inexpensive and easy to perform physical exam may help clinicians identify patients at risk for worsening knee osteoarthritis, according to conclusions from a study led by Yuanyuan Wang, MD, PhD, of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and colleagues. The team reports that a finding of...

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Researchers at the Ohio State University report that they have identified biomarkers of fibromyalgia that can be detected in blood samples, and that can be differentiated from a variety of other related diseases. The discovery may lead to significant advances in clinicians’ ability to differentially...

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