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The risk for opioid dependency among opioid-naïve cancer patients who took the medication following lung surgery, is highlighted in new research presented earlier this week at the annual meeting of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Lead author Alexander Brescia, MD, commented, “Surgeons are at the...

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Results of a study conducted by researchers from Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, suggest that a new patient education brochure is effective in forestalling diversion of opioid medications. The patient education material outlines safe medication...

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A study conducted by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sheds new light on national patterns for opioid prescribing to US patients who are below age 65 and on disability. The survey included data from 2014 on some 3.5 million Medicare Part D recipients who were medically...

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Fewer than 5% of people who are referred for treatment for opioid abuse from the criminal justice system in the US are receiving medication assisted therapy. This finding is reported by researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in a study report appearing in the December...

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A new study, led by RTI International, will examine fresh strategies that may be effective in addressing the crisis of opioid misuse while preserving access to opioids for chronic pain patients who benefit from their use. Lead researcher Lauren McCormack, PhD, vice president of the Public Health...

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Medication assisted therapy (MAT) has been shown to be an effective approach to treating patients with substance abuse issues, but its implementation by primary care has been slow and uneven. New research conducted by a team from University of Michigan seeks to address this problem and encourage the...

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The complex problems that opioid issues bring about are not easily solved. Jeremy A. Adler, MS, PA-C, of Pacific Pain Medicine Consultants, warns against looking for a single solution.

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In addition to other shortcomings, current prescribing guidelines are particularly ill-suited to the needs and challenges of patients already on opioid therapy. Drs. Heit and Gourlay discuss the roots of the problem and the role of primary care as talented amateurs in addiction medicine.

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Dr. Stanos reviews the development of evidence based medicine and offers some pointers to primary practitioners on how to intelligently assess guidelines and clinical trials. Critical evaluation can help clinicians become better users of clinical and research information.

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Recent press coverage highlights the work of congressional representatives and key opinion leaders to impact insurance carrier policy with respect to nonopioid and abuse deterrent opioid treatment alternatives for pain. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) recently sent a letter to the CEOs of UnitedHealth...

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