| breast cancer

TOLF = The Optimal Lymph Flow

Web- and Mobile-Based Therapy

Can digital therapy that provides lymphatic and limb mobility exercises make a difference in pain for patients postsurgery for breast cancer? A study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research Cancer recruited 120 patients at least 3 months past breast cancer surgery. Half of the group received The-Optimal-Lymph flow (TOLF) intervention, which fosters both lymph flow and limb mobility. Outcomes measured included reduction in pain, BMI, relief of symptoms, and overall quality of life.

114 patients completed the study. Week 12 was the endpoint. Findings included:

  • Patients reporting chronic pain: 45% of the TOLF group vs 70% of the control group
  • Soreness: 43% TOLF vs 22% control
  • More likely to experience a complete reduction in chronic pain”: 50% TOLF vs 22% control
  • Reduction in those taking pain meds: 40% to 27%

There was no significant difference in tenderness, aching, and general body pain. The study concluded that “These findings suggest that the TOLF intervention should be a better choice for pain management and limb volume reduction in comparison to the AP control. The TOLF intervention is safe, efficacious, and affordable as a replacement or complement therapy for chronic pain management for millions of breast cancer survivors. The low-cost, detailed description of interventions, and technologically driven delivery model of the TOLF make it relatively easy to implement TOLF in clinical practice or at home.”


Read the journal article.

Holly Caster
