| acute pain management
An Alternative Therapeutic Option
A Nonopioid Musculoskeletal Disorder Pain Reliever
The FDA approved nonopioid medication called Orphengesic Forte—for relief of the mild to moderate pain of acute musculoskeletal disorders—is now available! Barry Patel, PharmD, and CEO/co-founder of Galt Pharmaceuticals, commented, “This is a big win in the fight against the U.S. opioid epidemic and the FDA’s swift early action confirms the seriousness of the issue. The medication is ‘a proven safer pain management alternative healthcare providers can consider before prescribing an opioid.’” Along with use of this medication, physical therapy and rest are indicated to relieve the acute pain and discomfort of musculoskeletal conditions.
Orphengesic Forte tablets contain orphenadrine citrate, aspirin, and caffeine. Though its mechanism of action is unclear, Orphengesic Forte is believed to have analgesic properties and anticholinergic actions. Contraindications include use in those with sensitivities to caffeine or aspirin, duodenal or pyloric obstructions, chicken pox, the flu, and others. From the PI: “Orphenadrine citrate is a centrally acting (brain stem) compound which in animals selectively blocks facilitatory functions of the reticular formation. Orphenadrine does not produce myoneural block, nor does it affect crossed extensor reflexes. Orphenadrine prevents nicotine induced convulsions but not those produced by strychnine.” The mode of action of orphenadrine has not been clearly identified, but may be related to its analgesic properties. Orphengesic Forte tablets do not directly relax tense muscles in man.
Read the press release.
Read the prescribing information.
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