| One-Minute Clinician
Trauma Informed Care
Neurophysiology research has shown some biochemical and structural changes that occur when a person has been traumatized or has PTSD are similar in terms of neurobiology to those with substance abuse disorders as well as chronic pain.
- Some patients don’t understand that they have had traumatic events occur in their lives because to them it was normal
- The range can be from a "Lifetime Movie of the Week" trauma and awfulness to less traumatic events, such as parents divorcing, and not amicably. That can be traumatic to a child. That child could then go on and have developmental problems and emotional issues
- Patients may present with a particular problem, but it may be wrapped around behavior such as being resistant to change, not knowing how to access change
- When people have been traumatized the subconscious has "knowns" and "unknowns." Knowns are pleasure. Unknowns are pain. If a patient is asked by a practitioners to do something they’ve never done, like squats, yoga, gyrokinesis, or whatever, it can be a painful unknown