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  • | chronic pain

    IBD: The Fungal Pathogen Link

    What can be done for those with an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)—Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis? A study...“used large-scale sequencing and bioinformatics...

  • | pediatrics

    Pediatric Urology: Adding Psychological Help

    For children with urological issues...fear and pain can play a major role. To help both the pediatric patient and their parents, a few places around...

  • | back pain

    The Evoke Study

    Is greater pain reduction found with a closed-loop spinal cord stimulator (SCS) vs fixed-output, open-loop SCS system? Worldwise, 7.5% of people have low...

  • | cardiovascular

    Determining the Need for Opioids

    Postsurgery, who needs which kind of pain management medication? A study...looks at opioid-naïve patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and/or...

  • | chronic pain


    ...gathered from over 2600 migraine sufferers, aged 18 to 65, from 4 randomized clinical trials. Researchers sought to determine...

  • | medication

    Pediatrics: The Pain of Getting a Shot

    Kids need shots and shots can hurt. What can practitioners do to help their littlest patients? Specialists from the...