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The government has ramped up its efforts in 2018 to connect claims of inappropriate opioid prescribing to financial gain, including gain from urine drug testing. While most physicians do not have a financial interest in a clinical laboratory, the government's decision to highlight an opioid...

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Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a painful condition localized to a limb or body region, typically in response to trauma or surgery. Although several contributing mechanisms of CRPS have been described, the exact pathophysiology of the condition is not completely known. Graded motor imagery...

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Throughout the course of history, mankind has experienced heightened effects from natural sources, and even delved into creating or modifying substances to the same accord. In our society we have a very "objective" classification of materials based on generally accepted medical use and propensity to...

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Millions of patients each year suffer from acute pain as a result of trauma, illness, or surgery. Pain is the most common reason for admission to the emergency department (ED), comprising more than 40% of the over 100 million ED visits annually. The prevalence of intense acute pain is similarly high...

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