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The most contentious, poorly understood analgesics today are methadone and buprenorphine. This fast paced course will equip practitioners with immediately implementable practical tips regarding when and how to use these analgesics, including dosage formulations, routes of delivery, appropriate use...

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West Virginia continues to lead the nation, and world, in drug overdoses, which makes one ponder what is being done at the “ground zero” of the opioid epidemic to save and improve lives. Where better than where it’s worst should some of the possible solutions come from? In 2016, an interprofessional...

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Breakfast will be served.

Sponsored by Teva Pharmaceuticals.

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Despite high prevalence and seemingly continuous attention, the clinical challenges associated with assessing, treating, and managing patients with chronic pain continue to persist. Many different forces are at play and responsible for this frequently frustrating situation and, as is often the case...

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Coffee will be served.

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Overdose--a small word that packs a major punch, and a big reason for many recent legal regulatory changes in controlled substance prescribing and pain management. Too many physicians and allied healthcare practitioners are caught unawares by the legal issues surrounding overdose events, fatal and...

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Humans have been searching for the Fountain of Youth for millennia, from Ponce de León to Herodotus. Some people feel that regenerative medicine, a field that encompasses stem cells, growth factors, and other cell mediating proteins, is that magical fountain, while others, including some physicians...

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The prescription drug problem in America has led to many guidelines and, in some cases, regulations aimed at stemming the tide of prescription drug abuse. Some are evidence based, but most are driven by fear and an overwhelming need to do "something." Unfortunately, while these guidelines have...

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