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Urine drug testing (UDT) is playing an increasing role in the management of risk in clinical care. Unfortunately, drug testing in general suffers from several shortcomings, especially when called upon to identify problematic use of controlled substances, including drug diversion. UDT is the...

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Refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by Legally Mine.

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Breakfast will be served.

Sponsored by Legally Mine.

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Effective clinical interviewing and pain assessment are critical to the appropriate diagnosis and management of pain. In this presentation, attendees will learn how to apply principles of effective communication and also ascertain how to evaluate available assessment tools.

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Millions of patients each year suffer from acute pain as a result of trauma, illness, or surgery. Pain is the most common reason for admission to the emergency department (ED), comprising more than 40% of the over 100 million ED visits annually. The prevalence of intense acute pain is similarly high...

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Coffee will be served.

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Coffee will be served.

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