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Effective pain management has been deemed a human right, but some chronic pain patients perceive that to mean they are entitled to opioid analgesics for prolonged pain control. In response to these expectations, providers may feel pressured to say “Yes” and continue prescribing opioids, thereby...

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During this course, we will go over the clinical symptomatology of migraine in a number of its various forms, as well as the pathophysiology of migraine. Also examined will be the acute as well as prophylactic treatment of migraine using evidence based criteria.

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Lunch will be served.

Sponsored by AstraZeneca-Daiichi Sankyo, Inc..

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After last year’s talk about the CDC Guideline, a lot has begun to change, begrudgingly. While this is encouraging, there are still both medical and nonmedical people who don’t want to see any changes in the weak to very weak (evidenced-based medicine) CDC Guideline, which has gone far from what it...

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The field of pain management has undergone a circuitous adventure, much like a rabbit hole. As the economic, mental health, and medical consequences of prescribing opioid medications have mounted, the prevailing logic regarding the usefulness of prescribing opioids for chronic pain has shifted. The...

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Breakfast will be served.

Sponsored by Legally Mine.

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