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Breakfast will be served.

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After last year’s talk about the CDC Guideline, a lot has begun to change, begrudgingly. While this is encouraging, there are still both medical and nonmedical people who don’t want to see any changes in the weak to very weak (evidenced-based medicine) CDC Guideline, which has gone far from what it...

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Few would question the severity of the prescription opioid crisis of the early years of this millennium, the causes of which were myriad. Undoubtedly, society needed to address the crisis in an aggressive manner. Unfortunately, the manner in which the problem was addressed has been a classic example...

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Coffee will be served.

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Coffee will be served.

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Drug testing is part of a complete patient evaluation and ongoing risk monitoring in most medical practice settings when treatment involves long-term use of controlled medication. Today’s licensing board guidelines and rules, and position papers published by professional societies, make clear that...

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Effective pain management has been deemed a human right, but some chronic pain patients perceive that to mean they are entitled to opioid analgesics for prolonged pain control. In response to these expectations, providers may feel pressured to say “Yes” and continue prescribing opioids, thereby...

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