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Pain related to osteoarthritis is extremely common, affecting a very large segment of the adult population. For years, many therapeutic approaches have been used with variable degrees of success. Over time, however, we have learned that some commonly used therapies may be ineffective or, worse yet...

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2018 was not a good year to be on the wrong side of medical necessity when it came to drug testing and ongoing prescribing of controlled medication or substance abuse treatment programs. 2019 is likely to be an expensive year for those who do not proactively take steps to understand medical...

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Throughout the course of history, mankind has experienced heightened effects from natural sources, and even delved into creating or modifying substances to the same accord. In our society we have a very objective classification of materials based on generally accepted medical use and propensity to...

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Rational polypharmacy or the use of multiple medications to manage the same disease state or condition has been a part of treatment approaches for chronic pain for many years. This course will review the concept of rational polypharmacy as it applies to the treatment of migraine, neuropathic pain...

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During this course, we will go over the clinical symptomatology of migraine in a number of its various forms, as well as the pathophysiology of migraine. Also examined will be the acute as well as prophylactic treatment of migraine using evidence based criteria.

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Medical, and recreational, marijuana serve as sources of great confusion to patients and clinicians alike. A culture of “neuromysticism” around medical marijuana has arisen, leaving patients and clinicians alike confused regarding what constitutes “medical” marijuana. A part of this confusion is...

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