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The gabapentinoids are a popular class of medications among prescribers for use in chronic pain and various other neurological conditions. In fact, prescription rates for both gabapentin and pregabalin have increased in the United States and other countries in recent years. However, these...

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Breakfast will be served.

*This session is not certified for credit.

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Course description available soon.

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Coffee will be served.

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Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is the most common form of acquired spinal stenosis caused by biomechanical narrowing of the spinal canal and the associated neuroforamen that eventually lead to compression of neural fibers resulting in pain and disability. Neurogenic claudication as a...

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Rational polypharmacy or the use of multiple medications to manage the same disease state or condition has been a part of treatment approaches for chronic pain for many years. This course will review the concept of rational polypharmacy as it applies to the treatment of migraine, neuropathic pain...

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Refreshments will be served.

*This session is not certified for credit.

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Diagnostic testing is an integral component for the differential diagnosis. In routine clinical practice there has been a tendency for clinical examinations to become more cursory, largely influenced by increasing demands on a practitioner’s time and the patient’s expectations of technological...

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