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Pain is really a mind-body experience. So it's unrealistic to think that the mind and the body are somehow separate, or that we can deal with a mind process with only pharmacology. So with that underpinning, we need to figure out how to impact a person's experience with pain. That's really what this...

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We certainly know that constipation is a reliably experienced side effect from opioid therapy. And I'm sure most everyone has been constipated at some point in their life. It's certainly not a great topic to talk about, but it's very uncomfortable. It makes people nauseated. Just really makes them...

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Emergency departments are paying so much attention to pain management now. When you look at about two years ago, if you picked up one of our three major emergency medicine journals, maybe every few months there was a pain article. And now there's several articles in each issue. Part of it has to do...

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For a lot of reasons, including the increase in patient numbers and the complexity of pain management, we see a lot more NPs, PAs and advanced practice nurses working as primary practitioners in collaboration with the other physicians on their team. Not only do we see advanced practice providers in...

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Regenerative therapy is kind of on the forefront of new technologies that are being developed to help people with chronic pain. What you're really trying to do is heal damaged tissue, which is kind of a novel approach. In our field, we're used to giving a molecule to help with pain. And what we're...

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The insurance industry's curiosity about pharmacogenomics is interesting because those of us who talk about policy tried to help them understand that they can save a lot of money, which really is their only concern. However, the insurance industry is a little bit uncomfortable after the urine drug...

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Dysmenorrhea is simply defined as chronic cyclical pelvic pain and it's almost always associated with menstruation. It's a syndrome that's unique to women, and it's very common. Dysmenorrhea can start very early in a woman's life, as soon as they start menstruating, which is the definition of...

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We just want to remind clinicians that it's an interdisciplinary approach that's going to help people the most, especially when you're weaning people off of medications. If the opiates have been the primary tool that they've used to manage their pain and you're taking that away, you need to give...

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There is not very great evidence in terms of what the outcomes are for long-term opioid therapy for chronic non-cancer pain. That's not to say that it's good or bad. But the question is how do we prescribe opioids, how do we do it safely, and when patients express interest in tapering their opioids...

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Unfortunately with the current opioid epidemic, practitioners across all subspecialties are looking to find alternatives to treat pain effectively and to not solely rely on opiates especially as a first line treatment. In the emergency department we see a variety of pain, some mild, some severe. For...

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