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The 2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids gives providers the benefit of the doubt and preserves their discretion. It is vital to read and understand the implementation considerations.  

Closing the Gap: Healthcare Professionals Need Better Training in Therapy Initiation  


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Elimination of X-Waiver and Training Requirements for New MATE ACT 

As a healthcare provider, you've probably heard about the Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act but may be unclear about precisely what it means for you. This comprehensive overview can help you better understand it...

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Grant-Funded Non-Opioid Pain Relief Study

Currently, opioids are the most prescribed medications for managing surgical pain. But with the number of surgeries performed in the U.S. growing, and the opioid crisis still raging, researchers are continually looking for effective post-operative pain...

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In the United States, ~18 million of the 50 million people with chronic pain are prescribed long-term opioids and are at risk of addiction or overdose. Might self-guided eHealth help? A study in the journal of PAIN describes a clinical study of 400 participants who were randomized to an as usual...

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Theresa Baxter, MSN, FNP, nurse practitioner at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, works for the addiction consult team, primarily taking care of patients who have opioid use disorder. What are her experiences with the Bernese method?

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In Australia, “Hospitalisations and deaths related to opioid overuse, misuse, or overdose increased by 240% and 180%, respectively, with a corresponding 32-fold increase in yearly public health costs to $271 million AUD within the past 2 decades.” After implementing a single anesthesiologist-led...

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The American Journal of Managed Care has published an article highlighting the need for policy changes in prescribing opioids postsurgery. The level of opioid dispensing in morphine milligram equivalents in 2019 was nearly 3 times greater than in 1999. In an effort to encourage use of pain...

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A review and analysis published in the journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence examined those with opioid use disorder (OUD) and mental disorders, via databases such as Embase and MEDLINE. Over 345 studies and more than 104,000 people with OUD were researched. Percentages of disorders among those...

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While the disease of addiction knows no boundaries, unfortunately treatment for opioid use disorder seems to. In yet another example of healthcare inequity, Black and Latin patients have less access than Whites to buprenorphine. Why? That’s what researchers at the University of Washington hope to...

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Although up to 60% of patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) also have chronic pain, the conditions have been mostly studied separately. A $4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health’s Helping End Addiction Long-term Initiative to the Wake Forest University School of Medicine hopes to...

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