The field of pain management has undergone a circuitous adventure, much like a rabbit hole. As the economic, mental health, and medical consequences of prescribing opioid medications have mounted, the prevailing logic regarding the usefulness of prescribing opioids for chronic pain has shifted. The widespread dissemination of opiates and the lax safety measures placed on their storage has also led to an increase in nonmedical use. Given the high level of comorbidity between opioid use disorders and chronic pain, providers’ decisions about how to address treatment with patients who may have or who have been diagnosed with substance use disorders are often complex. The new CDC guidelines will require providers to assess for risk of overdose or development of a substance use disorder, and to be keenly aware of their patients’ pain levels and pain management strategies when working as part of a system where opioid medications may be prescribed. Participants will learn how patient and provider education programs and communication interventions may improve outcomes in pain management. Participants will also learn how to select candidates for opioid trials, assess for risk, and initiate opioid therapy, but only after exploring nonopioid and nonpharmacological strategies.
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AANP Rx Hours