Those who have been on either side of a courtroom battle on chronic opioid therapy have seen experts and lawyers spend a great deal of time arguing about the extent and nature of risk mitigation and patient education necessary to demonstrate that the prescriber issued a valid controlled substance prescription. The focus of expert testimony is on whether the prescriber engaged in meaningful risk evaluation and monitoring practices, and whether the prescriber individualized medical care for the patient, based on specific history and behaviors as treatment went on. This course will use published medical expert testimony and common expert reports of illegal and insufficient risk mitigation and patient education. The main goal is to facilitate a prescriber's self-audit of risk mitigation practices and to help attendees improve documentation of risk mitigation protocols and patient education efforts. A proactive approach to meaningful risk mitigation is necessary for protecting patient access to quality pain care and creating a framework within which other practitioners may confidently assume care for patients when necessary, and demonstrating appropriate prescribing of chronic opioid therapy.
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AANP Rx Hours